Saturday, 18 November 2017

Affordable Things To Do With Your Partner

Both Oli and I are absolute pros at keeping ourselves entertained without actually having much money to do anything, and we have been for a good couple of months now, I thought what better post to write than one that could save you some money! So here are my top affordable things to do with your partner.

I thought I'd begin with something we do the most, gaming! Multiplayers are ideal however like the good ol' single player GTA way, pass the controller when you die. We share a PS4, so it's great when the free monthly games come out, but there's always good games in the discount section. If you haven't got a PS4 don't worry! Go on to the app store and download the free games and battle each other to get the highest score! I used to do this to Oli all the time, I'd download whatever game he was playing just to beat his score - always good to have some healthy competition. 

Cooking is definitely one of my favourites, is there anything better than stuffing your face with homemade food? The great thing about cooking/baking too is that most of the ingredients are relatively cheap, especially when making a lemon drizzle or stir-fry's, you'll be able to do it for under £10 easily! So get inspired and try and re-create your favourite dish from home! 

 The cheapest option of all, go on a walk! It's so peaceful to just take a stroll and get some fresh air speaking absolute crap with your best bud, if you've got a dog take it with you! Without getting too deep, I always feel mentally refreshed after going on a walk, you can completely vent your stresses and enjoy just being away from everything for a bit. 

THE BEST OPTION, enjoyable for both parties and an extremely affordable thing to do. Mix it up, try some new positions, this is your free time to experiment! Make it last. (MAKE SURE YOU WRAP IT IF YOU DON'T HAVE CONTRACEPTION)

There is an endless amount of goodness on Netflix, use the 10 minute rule, if you can't get into it try something new! Maybe try and watch a show you wouldn't usually watch! If you don't own Netflix you definitely should, it's the cheapest way to have permanent entertainment wherever you go! 

If anyone else has any good affordable things to do with your partner leave a comment below and let me know, ALWAYS open to ideas because I am almost always broke. 

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