Sunday, 4 February 2018


With less than 2 weeks to go before fashion week, I'm starting to get a bit stressed because I feel like there's so much I need to do. Who would've thought planning 4 outfits could be so hard? Its double annoying too because I have bought so many new clothes that I want to blog about but I also really want to save posting them until fashion week, can't ruin the surprise! So I thought I could give you a little glimpse into some of the new garms. 
It's also WAY too cold to actually take photos outside, so I thought to mix up the scenery we'd move to my kitchen counter.

So first off, can we just take a moment to appreciate these boots? I am honestly in love with them, even if they are starting to give me blisters — it is definitely worth it. I bought these babies from Public Desire and after a bit of wearing in they're actually really comfortable. 
I've also been hunting through the sales to find a nice pair of blue jeans and I found the perfect pair in H&M for only £8! I had to cut the length slightly because I'm ridiculously small, but they fit so nicely (here's a similar pair). I'm also wearing my trusty Missguided faux fur aviator jacket to protect myself from the freezing temperatures, and my Ann Summers (similar one here) lace bodysuit which probably doesn't help against the cold. 
I'm really hoping to squeeze in as much blogging as I can before fashion week, if anyone has anything in particular they'd like to see me cover just leave a comment down below. 

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