Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Blogmas - Day 6 - Reigate on Ice

I am completely aware that I'm 6 days late for the blogging festive season, but better late than never. So on technically day 1 but also day 6, this is what I ended up doing. 
Reigate on Ice 
What better way to make yourself feel more festive than immersing yourself completely in the festive. Oliver and I woke up nice and early to spend our day wandering around Reigate. I'd forgotten to bring my camera along for the first part of the day but we pretty much went in every nick-nack shop there was, bought the BEST sausages I've ever had in my life from ------- (the Reigate royals), and also did a spot of christmas shopping too. 
After stopping back home to cook some lunch and bake some cookies, we ventured back into Reigate's own little Winter Wonderland.

Unfortunately we weren't prepared to go on the REAL ICE rink (yep, you heard right), I have no idea how they've managed to create one in the middle of a park, but from the last couple of years I've been it's ALWAYS fun, never too crowded either. 
Even if you aren't a fan of ice skating, there's still plenty to do! We decided to get a Bailey's hot chocolate from one of the lovely stalls and warm up in the cosy corner, which by the way is the best, they've literally got blankets and heaters so you can snuggle up with your hot chocolate or beer and relax.
We then took in the rest of the festivities that were on offer, and if I'm honest it really got me into the Christmas spirit, there was a Grotto, a carousel, roasted chestnuts, sweets, games, I WAS IN HEAVEN. If you're local to Reigate and feeling like a bit of scrooge I would highly recommend going.

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