Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Return to blogging...

Diamond Flap 17 Colours Square Sizes | Pitshanger Ltd
It's been a long time since I've sat down in front of my laptop and I've actually had to think about something to write. When I first started this website as cybrgirl, I honestly didn't know what to expect, it started out just being a little hobby for me and I honestly didn't care if anyone did or didn't like what I posted, it was like my own little diary and it kept me so motivated and occupied, however when I got invited to my first batch of shows I was in awe and wanted to do more and more, and I began to focus on what I thought PR companies wanted to see over what I actually wanted to do and I kind of wasn't doing it for me anymore I was just doing it to try and look good and fit in with the community a bit more, I was seeing so many other fashion bloggers doing such amazing things and I couldn't understand why I wasn't doing the same. 

This year in particular has been one of the hardest and most stressful years of my life, there was a point I completely lost who I was as person, I really just didn't feel like me anymore. I lost my drive and motivation to succeed and to get where I wanted, I was pretty much ready to give up. However, with the constant help and support of my wonderful, caring boyfriend (who I definitely couldn't have done this without) I've slowly started to regain some confidence in myself. 

So welcome to the new website where I will actually be writing and posting from me for me, it will no longer just be fashion either, this little blog will be my own personal diary from what I eat, to where I go, documenting my journey in life. 

Here's too a fresh start and self love. 

Becky Jane Ryan

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